Receiving Your Visa

At your visa appointment they will tell you how long before you can expect to receive your passport and visa to arrive in the mail.  I think they said something like 3-7 working days at my appointment and it came within about 5 working days so that was pretty good.  I’ve heard of people getting them one or two days after their appointment though so it really depends on how far it has to be sent and how many visas are being processed at that time.

You are supposed to receive an email once your passport has been dispatched but for some strange reason, not everybody in my program received this email.  I didn’t, but was lucky enough to be home when my passport arrived since it needed to be signed for.  If you’re not home when it arrives, you will have to go and pick it up from the depot yourself.

Once you have your parcel, you will find two things inside.  The first is your passport with your visa stuck inside on one of the blank pages.  The visa is basically just a large sticker with your photo and some information about how long you visa is valid for etc.  The second thing is your DS-2019 (mine was stapled to the back cover of my passport but I just carefully detached it) which you need to store somewhere safe as you will need to when you go through U.S. customs.

The final step you need to take in the Visa process is to enter the visa information into DOC, so head on over to the DOC website and log in where there are two boxes you need to complete.  The first is ‘Visa Appointment Results’ where you just need to indicate that your visa has been approved.  The second just says ‘Visa’ and you will be asked to provide some information about your visa such as the issuance & expiration dates and your Visa Number.  Your Visa number is the red number in the middle of the visa (It may overlap with some other writing on your visa)

Once this information is entered in successfully, you are officially finished with the Visa process! 

You can head back to the Visa Instructions or the Masterlist.

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