NLIC or Pended

As exciting as an acceptance is, the reality is that not everybody who applies is offered a place on the Cultural Exchange Program.  Whilst the chances are much better on the J1 program than the Domestic College Program, there is still a chance your application may not be successful.  In the world of Disney careers, this is referred to as ‘No Longer in Consideration’ or NLIC.

I can honestly say from first-hand experience that being made NLIC majorly sucks.  (If you’re not familiar with my application story, you can read about my accidental NLIC HERE).  If this program is a big deal to you, then being made NLIC can be quite a devastating experience, and it’s ok to be upset about it.  Let yourself grieve a little bit; cry, scream, get mad if you need to.  Do whatever it takes to let your emotions out and when you have, take a deep breath and try to move forward. 

If you are made NLIC, there are a few things you can do:

1.   Accept the reality of the situation.  
I don’t like to sound negative but the truth of the matter is that 99.99% of the time, and NLIC is final.  I realise that I did personally get an NLIC revoked, but that was pre-interview and due to a very rare clerical error.  If you have interviewed already, chances are your NLIC cannot and will not be revoked. 

2. Consider applying again.  
Remember that there are 2 intakes for the J1 Cultural Exchange in Australia and New Zealand every year, and you may still be eligible to apply when the next round of applications opens.  I know of people who applied and were denied several times before eventually being accepted on the program, so it’s not always a dead end.  Remember that if you’re studying a degree (Bachelor’s level or higher), you can apply after you finish studying provided you start work at Disney within 12 months of graduating.  Another bonus of applying again is that you are now familiar with the application process and won’t be quite so nervous the second time around.

3. Focus on future plans.  
In my post about waiting, you may remember I suggested having a plan B lined up.  This is when those plans come into play.  Perhaps you’ve decided on some more study or want to use the money you’ve been saving for a cruise.  Whatever your Plan B is, turn your focus to that.  Start implementing plans and let yourself get excited about your new adventures.  Disney is a great opportunity but there is so many other great opportunities out there too.

What does ‘Pended’ mean?
In your research, you may come across people talking about being made ‘pended’.  This is something that is usually only applicable to the Domestic College Program, however it does occasionally happen in international programs.  Sometimes, Disney will need a little bit of extra time in order to find you a position on the program.  In this case, they will send you an email telling you that your application is pending a final decision. 
As far as I understand this rarely happens on the J1 Cultural Exchange program, but I do know of one instance in the program before mine.  You can watch a YouTube video about it HERE.

If you are Pended or made NLIC, try not to let it get you down.  There are many wonderful opportunities out there and you can still do great things if you just “keep moving forward”.

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