The Online Application

You've done your research, you have imagined yourself working and living in Florida and you are ready to apply.  Finally, the applications have opened and you're ready to make the big step of doing the online application!  The application process is slightly different for each program on the ICP, but I'm going to go through the Aus/NZ program application as that is what I am familiar with.  Have a look at some of the blogs on my resources page if you're looking for information on applying for other programs.

The first thing you will need to do is make sure you are prepared for the application, and the two key elements you will require for that are your CV/Resume and a Cover Letter/Motivation for doing the program.  This may be a process you are familiar with and you may have a lot of experience in writing CV's and Cover Letters.  If so, great!  If not, don't worry, there are lots of ways to get help such as reading this blog, researching for other advice on the internet, talking to friends and family (I always read my cover letters to my mum over the phone to get her advice) and don't forget the value of your Uni/TAFE/School.  Often there are people who can help you with this sort of thing if you ask, your library/resource centre might even have a section dedicated to it!  Take your time and don't rush through this part of the process.  Work on it then step back and come back to look at it a day or two later.  Get other people to proof-read and edit it for you.  Ask advice.  Then quadruple-check the spelling and grammar!  You will need to upload these from your computer as part of the application process so I found it was best to compose them in Word (or your chosen word processing format) and then when I was happy with it, saving it as a PDF file and giving it a professional sound name like ______'s Curriculum Vitae.

Once you are ready to go, head over to the Disney Careers website to find the appropriate job listing, or follow this link.  I would allow at least an hour of time to complete the application, but the good thing about it is that you can save it and come back to it later if you get interrupted.  Find somewhere quiet and with a good internet connection so you don't have any unnecessary interruptions or distractions.  Also, make sure you have your CV and cover letter handy and all of your personal details.   You will have to enter in your employment and education history as part of the application, and having it already there in your CV makes this task soooo much easier (and faster!).  Take your time, read through each section carefully and make sure you have entered the correct information.  The application takes a little while and is pretty thorough, but it is also easy to follow, and they give you an email address so you can contact someone if you need to.

Once the application is done, you should hopefully receive an email from Disney recruiting that looks a little something like this:

You may get a different email, or they may change the process in the future, so please keep in mind that this completely based on my experience and Disney should be your number one source of information concerning this, but hopefully this helps a bit.  And now, the waiting begins as you try to distract yourself and wait for interview dates to be confirmed!

Next up is a tour of your Disney Careers Dashboard or you can head back to the masterlist.

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