The Waiting Game

After your interview you are going to enter the deep, dark, insane world of post-interview waiting.  At this point you may have already been waiting a while and depending on where your interview sits in the recruiter’s interviewing schedule, you may still have another 4-6 weeks of waiting ahead of you.  I’m sorry – please don’t shoot the messenger!

Let’s face facts: The waiting is AGONIZING!

Waiting is tough and no matter how much people try to encourage you or tell you to be patient, there is a good chance that you will spend a large majority of your time and brain power worrying about whether or not you will get an acceptance.  So, to help you keep that tenuous hold on your sanity, I’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to deal with the waiting.

Bec’s Guide to Waiting for a Disney Acceptance

1.  Be realistic about when you will hear something
At your presentation/interview, you will be given a rough timeline of when you should hear something.  With my program it was ‘by the end of September’.  However, something else to remember is that on the Aus/NZ CEP, they do not send out acceptances until they have completed ALL of the interviews.  If you know that interviews are still happening, don’t expect to hear anything yet.  You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment and that just makes the waiting worse.

2.  Stay Positive
When you’re waiting for something, it can be really easy to slip into the nasty world of negative and self-indulgent thinking.  Trust me, I’ve been there and I am no stranger to those “Ohhhhh I’m never going to hear!” thoughts.  I know it’s easier said than done but try to keep your thoughts positive and focussed on other things.  You don’t want to become that annoying person who drives their friends nuts with your whinging (I’ve been there too haha).

3.  Keep Your Focus
Once again, I know this is easier to say than actually do, but it’s important that you don’t let your everyday life slip into insignificance.  If you’re still studying, try to focus on that: get a head start on assignments or research or readings.  Keep your regular commitments and make sure you’re not ignoring chores and errands.  I know that sounds quite boring but it’s important not to get sucked into the waiting ‘bubble’.

4.  Devise a Plan B
This might seem rather negative when I’ve told you to stay positive, but hear me out.  When you apply to Disney, it can become this hugely important dream for you that you find it difficult to see around.  During that awful week when I had been erroneously made NLIC, I had to face the idea of a future where I didn’t do the program.  It was really, really difficult at first, but eventually I started to come up with ideas about travelling and future studies.  These ideas got me quite excited, and suddenly I had a future outside of Disney.  When my status was changed and Disney was back on the table, I felt less panicked because I had not just a backup plan, but one that was fun and exciting.  One of the things I decided was “If I don’t get into Disney I’m going to use the money I’ve saved to go on holiday to Europe” because it was something I’d always wanted to do.  Missing out on Disney isn’t so awful when the consolation prize is something equally fun. 

5.  Make a Popsicle Stick House…
…or, you know, whatever your hobbies and interests are.  If you play a particular sport, throw yourself into training.  If you like to read then this is the perfect time to start a new series or read something you’ve always been meaning to.  If you like to bake or cook then why not try out a new recipe?  (You can check out my own distracti-baking adventures HERE).  Do a jigsaw puzzle or paint a picture or play a new video game or whatever else interests you.  And if you’re into building popsicle stick houses, well why not give Cinderella Castle a go?

6.  Join Online Communities
There are some great communities out there online full of people who are waiting to hear about their acceptances too.  Chances are that someone will have started a facebook group for you program so have a look around for that.  There are some great message boards around for Disney fans.  As well as a great way to distract yourself, this is also a good opportunity to make new friends.

7.  Tackle That To-Do List
We all have one.  That list of things we need to do but tend to put off until we have some time up our sleeve.  These things might seem boring but they are a great way to use up time and distract yourself.  Need some ideas?  Do your tax.   Wash your car.   Put all your DVDs and CDs back in their correct cases.  Clean out your room/under your bed.  Mow the lawn.   Clean out and organise all the files on your computer.  Update the playlist on your iPod.  Go through those boxes of all your old crap from High School.   If you still live at home ask your parents if they have any jobs you can do – they’ll be delighted (and no doubt shocked).  Added bonus of this one is that you get to distract yourself AND get organised!

8.  Clean Out your Wardrobe
On a similar vein to the last one, if you are anything like me and tend to hoard clothes and shoes and accessories, your wardrobe could probably use a  bit of a spring clean.  Have a look on pinterest or just do a google search and you’ll find heaps of great articles and blog entries about the best way to clean out your wardrobe.  If you have things that are still in good condition that you don’t want anymore, try selling them online – extra money for Disney!

9.  Have a Disney Movie Marathon
Now you may have noticed that most of my suggestions thus far tend to steer away from the direction of Disney-themed activities.  This is because I believe that getting your hopes up too high can be somewhat damaging, and you need to keep focussed on your regular life.  However, I’m pretty sure a Disney marathon is appropriate for any and all scenarios, so crack out the DVDs and popcorn, pull up the couch/bed/beanbag and settle in for some Disney magic.  I found some great Disney films on sale while I was waiting and watched some I hadn’t seen in years like The Rescuers and some I’d never seen like Basil the Great Mouse Detective (awesome film btw).

10. Look at DCP Memes
When all else fails, look up some Disney College Program memes.  They will probably reflect how you’re feeling but also give you a good laugh.  @dcpmemes on Instagram is a great place to start.  And because you’re probably suffering through the agony of waiting right now, I’ll share some of my favourites to get the ball rolling.

Next, I'm going to look at what to do when that Acceptance finally comes through, and also what to do if you get the dreaded NLIC.  Or, as always, you can return to the Masterlist.

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